Friday 31 August 2012

0 Virus vs Worms

In my previous post we introduced the concept of UTMs. In this post let us take a look at a common security problem.
In our everyday life we often hear people complain how their computer got infected by a 'virus'. Well in reality it may not always be a virus but some other malicious stuff. The correct term to be used in such case is 'malware'.
There maybe different types of malwares like Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Rootkits, etc. In this post we'll take a look at virus and worms.


A computer virus is mostly an executable that attaches itself to a program or a file. It can spread over other systems when such files are shared.
Almost all viruses are attached to an executable file and infect the system when the malicious program is run.
A virus needs a human interaction (like a double-click on an infected file) to spread. Or we can say that a virus does not spread on its own.

A virus can be a simple one like a simple batch command which shuts down a system or it can be more deadlier for example a virus which formats the complete harddisk or corrupts the RAM!!


A worm is similar to a virus in design and the kind of damage it produces but unlike a virus, it has the capability to travel over a network without any human interaction.
Worm copies itself over a network.It is a program that views the infection point as another computer rather than as other executables files on an already infected computer

Sunday 26 August 2012

0 Vulnerability, Exploits & Payloads

You must have come across a recent news article stating a website being hacked and home page turning into something dangerous like "Beware!! We are the Hackers" along with the picture of a skull (in most cases to create horror!!) or page being replaced with some explicit content. Ever wondered how hackers breach the security and break into websites or other systems? Today I will discuss how a hacker approaches a system or a website to hack it. 

To break into any system the person (hacker) searches for its vulnerability and then uses the same vulnerability to break into it. Now a question arises:

What is a Vulnerability?

A vulnerability
 is a security hole in a piece of software or hardware which can provide a potential vector to attack a system.
Thus to compromise a system the first step is to find a vulnerabilty in that system.

Ok suppose a hacker has found a vulnerability in a system or a website. What next? What does he/she do with that vulnerabilty? Here comes the term 'Exploit'.


It is a program whose only work is to take advantage of a vulnerability. Exploits often deliver payloads to a target system.


Piece of software that allows an attacker to control the exploited system.

Thus to sum it up, the exploit uses a vulnerability to finally deliver the payload, which actually controls the system.

Do comment and provide your feedback regarding this article. If you find this post useful, don’t forget to tweet and share it on Facebook.

Saturday 25 August 2012

2 What is a UTM? | Kunal Goel

In the previous post we discussed about a YouTube trick to look inside a Private video. You can read it here. In this post we take a look at a technology which is increasingly being adopted by firms for their security needs.

Unified Threat Management (UTM) is a term used to describe a comprehensive security product which includes protection against multiple threats. It can be thought of as an all in one solution to an organization's security needs. A UTM system integrates a range of security features in a single appliance like
  • Firewall
  • Antivirus Software
  • Anti-Spyware
  • VPN
  • Spam Filtering
  • Content Filtering
  • Intrusion Detection & Prevention
The term was first used by IDC, a provider of market data, analytics and related services.

Advantages of UTM:

The main advantages of a UTM system are
  • Reduced Complexity
  • Cost Effectiveness
  • Single hardware platform &
  • Unified Management Interface
Some major providers of UTM products are Juniper, Cyberoam, Cisco, WatchGuard and many more...

    Saturday 18 August 2012

    0 YouTube Private Videos Trick | Kunal Goel

    Well we all have used YouTube at one point or the other in our lives for any reason ranging from checking out a newly released music video or at other times maybe for an educational online video tutorial. Whatever maybe the reason, the fact is that YouTube has become an indespensable part of web.

    In the previous post we discussed about some common networking protocols.
    In this Post we'll be having some fun with a youtube trick I discovered while surfing the Internet.

    You may have come across an error on YouTube like the one displayed below while trying to view a video. This is because the video you tried to access was a "Private Video".

    Now what exactly is a "Private Video" on YouTube??
    A private video is one which a user has uploaded and marked as private on his account. Now only that particular user can have access to that video by signing in with his login credentials. The user can also share it with some other accounts and the video will be available to them after logging in.
    To others it will not be accessible and on clicking the url they will be displayed an error message like above.

    Now whenever a video is uploaded on YouTube, a few snapshots of it are cached in the site's servers.
    These snapshots can be accessed using the following links.


    Just replace the "Enter_Video_Id_Here" with id of the video of which you want to view the snapshots.

    How to find the Video Id? 
    Lets take the example of the video in Reboot Movie post
    The URL of any youtube video is of the following type:

    The text in bold (after v= and upto &feature) is the actual video ID which we need in above step.

    There is a popular saying that a picture can say a thousand words. Thus these stills will give a lot of info about the contents of the video without directly showing the video.
    Try these and Have fun!!!! ;)

    Thanks for reading...
    You can post your YouTube tricks or suggestions for improvement in comments.
    Any kind of feedback would be highly appreciated and help in improving the quality of posts.

    Friday 17 August 2012

    9 HTTP, SMTP, NNTP and more - Protocols discussed

    In the previous post we gave an introduction about this blog and its contents.
    In this post we'll be introducing some commonly used  protocols.

    First let us see "What is a PROTOCOL?"

    A protocol is a set of formalized rules that explains how data is communicated over a network. Think of it as the language spoken between computers to help them communicate more efficiently.

    Now let us take a look at some protocols and commonly used port numbers for their services:
    • HTTP stands for  HyperText Transfer Protocol. 
    It is the data transfer protocol used on the World Wide Web. 
    It runs on port 80.

    • SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

    It is a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers.
    It runs on port 25.

    • NNTP stands for Network News Transfer Protocol
    It is the predominant protocol used by computer clients and servers for managing the notes posted on Usenet newsgroups. 
    It runs on port 119.

    • POP stands for Post Office Protocol

    It is a protocol used to retrieve e-mail from a mail server.
    POP3 runs on port 110.

    • FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.

    It is a protocol used for exchanging files over the Internet
    It runs on ports 20 & 21.

    • IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol.

    It is a protocol for retrieving e-mail messages.
    It runs on port 143.

    Monday 13 August 2012

    0 Intro...My First Post

    Well this is my first post...and in this post I would be introducing the readers with the contents of this blog and some insight of what is coming up in the near future.
    Basically this blog will focus mainly on my passion that is the never ending world of Computers and the various Security concepts & risks which most of us are unaware of. I'll try to share as much as I know and whenever possible.

    First I would like to share with you the reason why I felt of choosing the same topic which is available easily all over the internet. Read on...

    The Reality of Hacking Institutes:

    These days the number of students showing interest in this field has immensely increased which shows by the number of students enrolling themselves to these courses. The idea of being an 'Hacker' excites them. And a closer look reveals that there are a very few number of institutes providing genuine accredited courses which a student can enrol for. This leaves them with no option but to join these so called Hacking Institutes which claim to convert you into a 'HACKER' overnight. The Fees for enrolling in such courses ranges from anywhere between Rs. 8000 to Rs. 25000 for a course spanning over anywhere between 15 days to even 6 months in some cases. Thus such a student does not only waste the money but also a very valuable time. Some of these companies have gone a a step further and have started their own 'International Certifications' by collaborating with international firms which actually exist only on paper!!!!

    One benefit of this blog will be ofcourse everything will be free!!

    Next there are many topics which are easily not taught in these training programs mostly giving the reason as it is too dangerous (which I feel is very disappointing for any student to hear).

    Well this would not be happening here...

    Also I'll try to post some basics related to PHP, Linux and Networking concepts which would help in better understanding when applied at other places..

    Your comments and feedback would be highly appreciated. Feel free to point out mistakes as it would ultimately lead to increase in the quality of posts...

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