Saturday 18 August 2012

0 YouTube Private Videos Trick | Kunal Goel

Well we all have used YouTube at one point or the other in our lives for any reason ranging from checking out a newly released music video or at other times maybe for an educational online video tutorial. Whatever maybe the reason, the fact is that YouTube has become an indespensable part of web.

In the previous post we discussed about some common networking protocols.
In this Post we'll be having some fun with a youtube trick I discovered while surfing the Internet.

You may have come across an error on YouTube like the one displayed below while trying to view a video. This is because the video you tried to access was a "Private Video".

Now what exactly is a "Private Video" on YouTube??
A private video is one which a user has uploaded and marked as private on his account. Now only that particular user can have access to that video by signing in with his login credentials. The user can also share it with some other accounts and the video will be available to them after logging in.
To others it will not be accessible and on clicking the url they will be displayed an error message like above.

Now whenever a video is uploaded on YouTube, a few snapshots of it are cached in the site's servers.
These snapshots can be accessed using the following links.


Just replace the "Enter_Video_Id_Here" with id of the video of which you want to view the snapshots.

How to find the Video Id? 
Lets take the example of the video in Reboot Movie post
The URL of any youtube video is of the following type:

The text in bold (after v= and upto &feature) is the actual video ID which we need in above step.

There is a popular saying that a picture can say a thousand words. Thus these stills will give a lot of info about the contents of the video without directly showing the video.
Try these and Have fun!!!! ;)

Thanks for reading...
You can post your YouTube tricks or suggestions for improvement in comments.
Any kind of feedback would be highly appreciated and help in improving the quality of posts.



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